Breaking The Silos With Nishant Shah At The 2019 Interdisciplinary Conference On Orthopedic Value-Based Care

Welcome back to our mini-interview series with 2019 Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value-Based Care Faculty. This week we have Dr. Nishant Shah, of Midwest Anesthesia Partners and Medical Director of Illinois Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery Center.
Nishant Shah, MD is one of 38 esteemed faculty joining us at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value-Based Care in Newport Beach, CA, on January 18-20, 2019.
OVBC 2019 Session Leader: Medacta Regional Anesthesia Cadaveric Lab
OVBC 2019 Non-CME Talk: “Tools & Techniques to Optimize Value in Outpatient and Bundled Joint Replacement Episodes” during Friday’s Lunch Break.
View Full Schedule Here: OVBC 2019
American College of Perioperative Medicine (ACPM): Can you share your best advice for motivating your teams?
Shah: The best advice I have is that we are all in this together. Medicine can seem very compartmentalized and that leads to working alone with poor communication and only looking out for ones’ own interests. What I preach is that we can only take care of the patient, our center, and even ourselves if we work together and lean on each other. It is perfectly all right and even expected that one individual cannot do everything and needs additional support and assistance. The cohesive nature of our teams’ activities always translate into better communication and ultimately fantastic patient care. The patients see it and feel it, and that leads to a better and more fulfilling experience for everyone involved.
ACPM: What’s the best thing you’ve read lately?
Shah: David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell.
ACPM: What are your thought about the future of enhanced recovery models in orthopedics?
Shah: I think enhanced recovery is a overarching thought process that needs to be understood and then adopted, as it relates to every specialty within medicine and really even life in general. Specifically for orthopedics, I think one has to understand that orthopedic surgeries involve much more than just the operative course. There are many individuals and health care providers involved on the front end to optimize this patient for the upcoming surgery as well as their postoperative success. Optimization of health, education, and buy in are all part of the process. Then one has to understand all the parties involved in the postoperative course. Enhanced recovery for orthopedics involves a multitude of individuals as well as the patient within a continuum of care that is far more than just the surgery itself.
About Nishant Shah, MD: Shah is a leading authority in the outpatient hip and joint replacement space. He is currently a partner with Midwest Anesthesia and is extensively trained in regional anesthesia. He is the founder of Subsidium Workshops where he teaches multiple hands on workshops for surgeons and anesthesiologists.
Medacta is joining us this year to provide hands-on training on cadavers in two labs. Expert instructors will provide instructions and guidance using the latest and innovative techniques to improve your practice.
Hip & Knee Arthroplasty – Cadaveric Session
This innovative musculoskeletal workshop includes, Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty, Uni-compartmental and Total Knee Arthroplasty utilizing Single Use Instrumentation. Also featured are new patient specific 3D printed surgical guide technologies that reduce surgical time, minimize instrumentation, and reduce imaging requirements for arthroplasty and pedicle screw placement.
Regional Anesthesia – Cadaveric Session
This workshop will utilize cadavers for identification of landmarks associated with regional anesthetic techniques under ultrasound guidance. Participants will be able to practice each technique on cadavers by going through steps necessary in performing a successful procedure. Blocks to be discussed will include interscalene, TAPs, PECs, adductor canal, and popliteal blocks.
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